06 December 2010

New earworm: Awolnation

Its been a while since I did a desert island pick so thought I would share a band that's responsible for my latest earworm--Awolnation.

Adoring "Sail" but you need to check out their YouTube channel--great music & cheesy sci-fi, how could I not love this band?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SLisC9F2ncc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eYz_e4vuixQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sorry writing this post via my phone, you'll have to cut & paste the links until I can fix it on my notebook--now updated with the embed codes


gdiesels said...

Very cool music. I like Sail best but Burn it Down is pretty good too.

I have been relying on Kasabian to get me through the last couple of miles when running. Thanks again for the hip tip!

Take care of yourself!

Terri said...

I will have to check them out - my playlist is starting to get stale. You and I are on such the same wavelength with everything else, maybe we are with music too! :-) (In a meeting right now, so can't click on the link!)

Unknown said...

gdiesels, always glad to hook people up with new music! Glad you're liking Kasabian still, I get a kick out of "Shoot the Runner" when I'm in a bad spot during a run. Feel free to suggest anything you'd think I'd like too.

Terri, I hope you like Awolnation too, I've got very eclectic tastes in music so there's a good chance at least part of our stuff will be similar :-)
