09 November 2011

The long-promised Avebury Henge post

A few posts back I mentioned skipping Stonehenge (except for taking pics outside the fence) and visiting the Avebury henges (check out the wiki) and then promised photos.  I'm betting y'all are thinking I forgot, eh?  Nope, just have to be in the mood for blogging pics because it is so time intensive.

A few miles outside Avebury you start noticing stones.......surrounded by cows!!!

Yes, I was totally geeking out when I started spying them, totally amazed me how extensive this is and can't imagine the scope of work it took to re-create after people and nature took their toll.

Since there's no entry fee, I highly recommend a stop at The Henge Shop for souvenirs, I ended up spending far more because I didn't feel extorted, lol.  Oh, apparently there's a National Trust official shop there too. 

There's my gate thing again 

 Doesn't look too terribly steep

Might wanna reconsider that previous thought

 Stones, near and far

Is that not just gorgeous?  


Sheep grazing=sheep piles, yep I stepped in one

Yes, there are people who come here to worship with whatever their particular beliefs may be

Didn't realize it at the time but there was another path that you could follow around this section of stones, I missed out on quite a few more

Again my photography "skills" in no way captured the scope and "feel" here but if you visit the UK I do urge you to make this one of your stops.  I love the ability to get out and move amongst the stones, even being able to touch them without someone glaring at you and saying "No, that is not allowed!".  Just be prepared to do some walking to fully experience it :-)


june in florida said...

Great photos, didn't realize how big the stones were till i saw the guy leaning against one. Hope you cheered up a bit you sounded real down in the last one.Sometimes a little bitching and moaning is good for what ails you.

Ritchhh said...

I have driven past Henge many times under the hours of darkness or at dawn, have never been up for a wander though

Unknown said...

June, I have cheered up by way of leaving that job :-). Yes, those stones are huge and I love how you can actually go up and touch and wander amongst them.

Richard, why haven't you stopped yet? They're amazing and if you have a proper camera there's some fantastic shots waiting to be captured.