25 December 2014

Advent Running

25/25 Done and Dusted! 

This year I participated in Advent Running, the guidelines were simple, try and run a minimum of 30 minutes every day the 1st through 25th of December and post about it on the facebook group or twitter.  Since I was already attempting to run every day (started November 8th) I thought this might be a good way to keep things fresh and stay motivated.  It has been AWESOME. There were some days when I was sorely tempted to blow off the run but then would read about someone who completed theirs that had a far less flexible schedule than mine and that would be enough to get me out the door.  There were so many amazing stories about running firsts, personal bests, struggles, and what inspired some to begin running.  

Thank you Claudia and James and everyone who participated!!! This has been one of my best months of training thanks to #adventrunning.  I have survived but I'm not so sure about my trainers! 

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