31 December 2007

Pretty day

Nice weather today, sunny with just a little bit of a breeze, high near 60. Goes back to being cold (for here anyway) tomorrow with a high of 39 and low of 20. So far it looks like the weekend may be a little warmer again. Hope so, would like to get at least one good bicycle ride in. Back to work tomorrow afternoon, not going to be worth anything after 12 1/2 days off. James said something about riding the motorcycles today but I don't think that I will. Since I've lost weight I'm getting chilled easily, guess I need to find a good multi-vitamin. It's hard getting into the habit of taking supplements regularly.

Excellent workout today, heavy weights for approx. an hour. The treadmills were not emptying out at all so we ended up coming back home for the cardio. Did a 1.35 mile run/walk with James for about 20 minutes then finished up with an easy run by myself for a total of 3.51 miles. Felt great except for a nagging ache in my left front shin. I think that's from where I'm trying to build my weekly mileage up, having 2 hard runs in addition to my long run, and trying to make up a run the weekend before Christmas. Should have just skipped that one or cut it in half. Will probably make one of the harder runs a slower run later this week. Actually, I will probably have no choice since my work schedule is two days behind for this week.

My observation/rant/gripe/nitpicking for the day: Why do people bother getting tattooed if they are going to blur it into nothing by using a tanning bed. Personally I put too much money and pain into my ink (approx. $2000 for both arms) to have it be blueish and unrecognizable. That's not even taking into account the increased skin cancer risk or if that's not enough reason for you, what about the vanity aspect? Yes, I know most people are tanning because they think it makes them look skinnier, "healthier", or younger but they end up looking much older than what they are (plus have a yucky, blurry tattoo!!).

Speaking of tattoos, for the first time in about 10 yrs I can donate blood. Some of the states have relaxed their restrictions to 90 days after being tattooed down from being restricted 1 year but I don't think my area has. As of Dec. 14 it has been one year since my last tattoo session, so now I just need to find a blood drive in my town.

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