22 March 2009

I need words.........

of enlightenment, encouragement, edification, etc...........Not asking for much am I?

Anyway during last Sunday's 1/2 marathon I found myself reading the backs of peoples' t-shirts in order to take my mind off of the stomach cramps and the miles. I've decided that I need MY t-shirt to have something on it, maybe entertain somebody else and help them through the miles. My problem is that what little creativity and imagination I have has completely fled my brain, I have a couple of ideas but if y'all want to throw some suggestions this way, please do so. It would be an added bonus if it was trucking-related. Thanks!


Indy said...

Five munz argo I cudden evun spel marfonnar, now I are wun.


Rnuning for the hlel of it, but liovng erevy mutine of it.
(I'll bet you worked out what I wrote in less than a couple of milliseconds!

Unknown said...

ROTFLMAO!! Just one problem, I'm not a marathoner yet, just a 1/2 marathoner. Do love the quotes though!
