08 November 2009

MidSouth Marathon part Vier

So, turnaround point, headwind, still running strong.........

At least until we get out of the tree cover then the wind is BRUTAL.............

Started slowing a bit but nothing too drastic, then I realize that I took a bit too much water at the last 2 stops and had to hit the portapotty for a quick pee. Small race-walk to reach it, come out and I swear the wind has picked up even more for the less than a minute I was in there. Run for another 1/2 mile or so, it's steadily uphill (where the hell were the downhills?), and I can't catch my breath at all. It ends up being a race walk/run pattern from this point on (mile 17-18) with the wind continuing to pick up and gusting and it's getting hot. I simply could not draw enough breath in. Legs were still good at that point but that deteriorated quickly with not getting enough oxygen in :(.

Here is a graph of the weather conditions from yesterday. Note the wind speed/gusts. The highest wind gusts yesterday were 46.5 mph.

Was looking forward to seeing James at the first point we'd seen him that morning because I was going to drop some gear with him to try and lighten up the load a bit. To my disappointment he wasn't there and oh man did my spirits plummet :(. Afterwards I found out that the mile 11ish/15ish water stop had only 2 volunteers working it and he stayed with them to help out until 1030. They were getting overwhelmed so he started refilling cups and handing them out. After that a couple of other spectators jumped in to help too. But isn't that so awesome of him?!?

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