30 January 2015


Sometimes you go for a run and come back looking like this...Well I do on most runs but that's not the point!

And on some of those runs you come back to discover that your garmin recorded the time but no distance!  Too bad that happened because I was really looking forward to seeing the map trace on last night's crazy mystery run--we had it all, snow, ice, mud, hills, more mud, tree roots, ankle deep water crossings and yes, even more mud.  My main regret is that I chose to wear my road shoes (didn't know there was an off-road option last night) because my trail shoes were still sopping wet and muddy from the impromptu midday run.

On a sad note, my Sock it to Me "Bad Ass" socks developed a hole on the big toe area during last night's run. Not impressed because I haven't worn these socks that much and they were fairly expensive.

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