08 January 2014

Day 8

Janathon day 8. Super easy 4.5 mile run in 42:13 with Elsie the Miniature Schnauzer Menace who was well pleased to finally head out on the canal trail with me. Right after was a kettlebell interval workout (swings, low windmills, one arm swings, swing punches, and russian twists), 30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 20 minutes. Finished up with the bicycle crunches and foam rolling.  Surprisingly I am not the least bit sore after last night's handicap run (official time of 23:06) despite the hellacious hill on the return portion. The first time I did the handicap I could barely walk for 2 days after, I'm attributing the improvement to the kettlebells. Love seeing some improvement.

I also signed up for the Ramathon half marathon which sold out in under 8 hours. Who else managed to get in?

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