03 June 2015

Juneathon Day 3 (and 2)

There was a blogpost yesterday but it wasn't about Juneathon however I did bust a few moves and I did tweet about it so technically I've not failed yet! In addition to my usual workouts I'm attempting the Burpee Challenge, I started out with Intermediate Athlete level but may have to drop back to Healthy Beginner.

Burpee Challenge

Day 2: Nordic Walking class in the morning for 2.04 miles, 40 minute run in the afternoon with 10 burpees and 25 kettlebell swings after (4.61 miles), then a Nordic Walk/Run (2.43 miles) helping give the cadets who volunteered at the British Nordic Walking Wollaton Park Challenge a taster session in the evening.  I quite enjoyed it and I think most of the kids had fun as well.

Day 3: Nordic Walking class in the morning then I headed out afterwards to do hill repeats on my own for a total of 4 miles. This afternoon it was gloriously sunny and there was a hint of warmth in the air so I headed out for another 40 minute run to celebrate National Running Day. Bit slower than usual because my legs are fatigued and the off-road paths I chose are becoming over-grown. Knee high grass, nettles, and brambles plus jumping over stiles makes for excellent resistance training--at least that's what I'm telling myself!  15 burpees immediately after the run which were NOT fun...yeah, yeah, when are burpees ever fun???

Just because I love infecting everyone with my earworms! 

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